NetX Sustainability Commitment

At NetX, we believe that we have an obligation — to our employees, our communities, our customers and the environment — to operate our business sustainably. Our management is responsible for enabling employees to contribute to our environmental objectives and to implement this policy. 

Specifically, NetX will:

  • Continue to develop digital products and product features designed to enhance the sustainability initiatives of both employees and customers.
  • Partner with our suppliers to operate sustainably, reduce waste, and commit to powering digital delivery of products with 100% renewable energy. Strategic data center environmental management extends not only to our own data centers but also those of our partners.
  • Continue to provide healthy workspaces for our employees through sustainable renovations, construction, operations, and certification whenever possible.
  • Measure business travel, supply chain, commuting, and other carbon emissions annually, and implement strategies to reduce them.
  • Encouraging our employees to commit to public transportation and zero-carbon commuting, and to reduce employee travel.
  • Educate and engage employees on sustainability at home, work, and throughout their communities through a combination of employee communications, learning sessions, and hands-on opportunities, including paid volunteer time. 

NetX expects that each employee, vendor and visitor will follow the above practices to ensure that NetX meets its sustainability goals.